Awareness, the Universe, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that you really are

The One Self

(this website is under construction)


The One Self and Relationships

Some teachers say that in the early times, the One Self did not appreciate being the only self, with no other self or anything else to interact with.

So it created, over eons of time, many individual lifeforms such as humans. Each human being is diferent, but its self is the One Self. The Universe experiences a different view of itself through each human being.

The Self (within each human for example) is able to have an unlimited number of relationships and friendships with other versions of itself. When any two people are in a relationship of any type, the Self experiences the relationship from the perspective of both people.

That is as long as the relationship is between the True Self of each person. It is a different story if the relationship is between their Egos. If one of the people drops into their Ego Self, the other person will too.

The One Self and Awareness

To experience awareness, something needs to exist to experience the awareness. The only thing this could be is the One Self. It seems that Awareness and the One Self belong together and emerged from the nothingness together.

I am not saying that we should be able to understand this with our finite minds. We cannot. We just need to accept that it happened, as the starting point for everything.

The One Self is not all of "that which cannnot be named", but it is a very major component, along with its awareness. Another very major component is Life itself, and everything that is part of life. This includes Chi (life energy).

The Relevance of Holograms

A description of what holograms are is given on the next page, Section D1 of the site.

Holograms are mentioned here to point out that they are what enables the One Self to experience itself as the whole of the Universe and the individual parts (and relationships between the parts) at the same time.

This should become clear as you take in the whole of Section D on holograms that follows.